
Showing posts from April, 2017

The Two Ways

Time is up. People need to hear the Word and be won to God forcefully. I am constrained to share something on T he Two Ways Although our objective​ is to follow the Way of Yahweh/God, we're also faced with the choice of another way-the way that leads to destruction. From the beginning in Gen.1-2,there was to be only One Way for mankind. The 2nd way wasn't part of God's plan for us. Satan came & introduced an alternative way to that of Yahweh. Our first parents rejected Yahweh's way and chose to follow that of the devil by listening to Satan(serpent) Gen 3:1-6. This is how we begun to be faced by the reality of Two Ways from which one MUST choose on which way to remain; it should be a personal decision. Have you ever asked ​yourself this question; How does one go about finding the way of the righteous? Mat 7:13-14 and Psalm 1 gives you a quick answer to this question. THE OF DESTRUCTION It's the way of the devil. It's more inviting. From the li...