Philippians 3:12-14 We do not have any control over the length of our lives but we ourselves will determine the width and the depth of it. 1 Samuel 17:32-37 The outcome of a battle is determined on you choose to go into the battle. The victory of a match is determined in the locker room. Your preparation will determine the result. David chose to go into battle with the Philistines by faith and trust in God. He was sure that the same God who had helped him attack lions and snatch livestock from their lips would still deliver Goliath into his hands. This is how we ought to trust and have a conviction of what God is capable of doing. He didn't look at Goliath but looked at God, his Master. Look at his courage in vs 26...he's already focused on victory. In whatever we do we need to focus the outcome or the result. When you go for war don't focus at the enemy (u will be overwhelmed by fear thus u will be defeated) but on the victory ahead of you....