Failing Is A Personal Decision.

Hey Beloved, I believe you're well on this brand new day once again. How has your day begun? Are you up or still in bed? Are you moving or given up? No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and fight for your dreams. Everything works for a good purpose and however you face tribulations know that good things are tracing their way to find you. Keep walking and meet them up. Below are some of the favourite Bible verses I happened to come across that encouraged me to wake up this morning and pledged to remain strong no matter what may come my way. I am quite optimistic of this day that it will be yieldful. Make this a prayer that you and I operate through these sentiments today. Don't make a bad decision of giving up because that will obviously fix you into failure. Stop being lazy! Read Romans 8:38, Psalms 31:24, 1 Corinthians 16:13, 2 Cor 15:7. Thanks for reading this, comment, subscribe, like and feel free to contribute or make suggestions on Inspiration Zone . Have Ble...