Beginning A Week Strongly.

It's Monday Morning!
Good morning,

It's pleasing to know that you and I have been privileged to see this day. I woke up, noded my head as usual and I realised that I wasn't dreaming, that was really me. I asked myself that who am I to be alive this morning? Many wished to see this day, they had even planned for it but unfortunately they didn't make it. Some fans yesterday were going to have fun(to watch football) yesterday and they died. Some people were travelling last Saturday for a wedding ceremony and they died on the road, others were swept away by floods many others got injured and are unable to proceed with their plans. Between Saturday and Sunday I boarded atleast 15 vehicles (blind machines), they were all being driven by men(imperfect) yet in every journey I was able to see my destinations. Who am I? It is not that I am perfect, it is not that I am righteous, I am not important nor special than all of them that lost their lives or got injured. It is ONLY BY GRACE.
It's from the same feeling that I want to trust on this gracious God for the success of this week and the fulfilment of His perfect Will in my life. This my prayer because I have tasted of the Lord and know that He's good.
  "1 So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.  2 Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation-  3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.  (1 Peter 2:1-3, ESV)"

What's your prayer at this dawn of the week and of the day? I don't think I should pray for you it's good that you approach God personally and make your request. He is faithful and will never disappoint them that trust Him. However David was God's annointed one but dangers didn't distance him. Sometimes he was forced to run away to escape from danger. Therefore be careful too. Do not ignore floods you may assume lesser, do not hang on vehicles, do not cross the dangerous roads without caution ⚠, do not engage in fights thinking you are all powerful infact avoid argument with even them that appear weaker in your eyes.

Go ahead and have a blessed and yieldful week



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