Success Tips

I believe you are fine... 
Allow me to ask you,
Whom do you spend time with?
Are you in the company of motivators or demotivators?
Are you in right tags or are you operating in the wrong hooks?
Are you on the right track or have you derailed from your course?
Why Many Questions Mr.V? Ha ha haaa 
Birds of the same feathers fly together. If you ever wish to get somewhere then you ought to locate your potential destiny mates. These are the people you're walking with in the same direction with similar aims, visions and focuses. If  all you do is to spend time with wrong companies then you're steering towards failure or maybe you're already confused. What do you feel about a blind man leading a blind man? How far will the two go? O. M. G I believe you aren't there yet, don't even ever think of getting there. Sometimes it's good to be cunning and crafty than allowing yourself to just follow like sheep. A footballer has no business with a basket ball player; the two share nothing in common the balls are different, their dressing codes repel and one needs feet and speed while the other needs hands and height. Finding the two in same training set is a total madness. Learn how to pursue your dreams and trace the right trends needed for your precious achievements.
Stick to your lanes and train yourself to be you! Don't fake, don't duplicate! Morality is subjective and never objective. Nothing like "unless otherwise."

 By Victor Winjila 
a.k.a 🌍Mr.V 


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