He Who Has Your Final Say Holds Your Future.

God told Habakkuk, write this down on a tablet;  that though it might appear to tarry it shall not tarry, it shall come to accomplishment. Reading on...He says to Zechariah that though the hands of this beloved one reading this article have laid the foundation, his hands shall also accomplish it then we shall all testify that He's God.
Ooooh my God, read more the word says He who began a good job in your life shall accomplish it and finally but not least, He says in His word, I will do abundantly more than this man/woman of faith(reading this article by 🌎Mr.V) shall request...

Who are you to give up???  Don't you believe God?  Even if you don't believe He exists just believe because you were born and found people believing...you're no one to deviate from what you do have no knowledge on how it began and how it shall end.  Join the rally and lose nothing. Abraham started a journey without a destination in mind but he earned. Tell yourself this morning, If it is God who has commanded I'm going...

It doesn't matter what people have said about you or what they think or feel you're, God's thought is final and that's what defines you.  It defined Moses the stammerer and Jeremiah the young and wordless,  Joseph the slave and David the young. Rejoice in what they say you're; that's where your definition is about to arise from.

If blessed/touched drop an amen and a prayer request we will pray.


FB: Inspiration Zone


  1. Amen, pray for my stomach, God bless you

  2. May you receive healing in your stomach in Jesus' Name. The word of God is clear that through His stripes we received assurance of health

  3. Wow Amen ...He has my final say


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