
Showing posts from 2019

Value Thinking Over Cost Thinking

The value and the cost of ignorance is always higher than that of knowledge. I don't regret the fact that I'm spending all my resources investing in education. That's what I ought to be doing anyway. Someone tried to discourage me by telling me that richest people like Bill Gates didn't go to school. I still doubt it's true. Hmm though I didn't want to argue about the presumption that they didn't go to school but I just reminded him that the environments of our growth differ. Their nations were already civilized when we were still communalized. I am an African not American, my country is still developing it's not not developed. Ignorance is generational. Whatever we gain from ignorance is transferable to our lineages. We all ought to do something to save our generations from the impact of ignorance. Attend seminars, read books, research, expertise for you and your generation. Always pursue and strive to be a victor not a victim. N.B: Everything ris...


The generation of these latter days needs intense education in regards to marriage. In my view marriage can only exist when the boy/girl in you dies opening space for occupation of man/woman in you giving you eligibility to be called a husband /wife. It comes with responsibility... It's Important To Note: A boy cannot sustain a woman nor a girl to sustain a man... There are many challenges in every relationship; every relationship has its ups and downs and specific/unique challenges. However, the challenge of immaturity (where one of the union is acting boyish/girlish) is the toughest to solve. If both of you are still a boy and a girl no big deal tomorrow you won't be in this contract we're just waiting for termination meeting 😅 Manhood and womanhood starts all the way from friendship, dating/courtship, marriage and finally to parenthood. If she/he is not growing my friend let go off unless you are strong to stand an itch without scratching. #BeInspiredDaily By ...

Spiritual Tongues

GODLY|SPIRITUALITY|HUMANITY It shocks nowadays that people train and exercise/rehearse to speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues seems to have transformed from being a spiritual matter (out of human's knowledge-God's secret speech) into a skill/talent. You'll  hear for example Sinach asking in her song,"how many here know how to speak in tongues... then she adds begin speaking..." This is funny I hope I'm not exposing myself as being primitive here? I need someone to enlighten me on this matter anyway but before then. I don't want to know how to speak in tongues, I even don't want to know when it will happen but my desire and prayer is one day I pray until I get unconscious and by the moment I get back I want to find people in shock but there should be someone to genuinely interpret, translate and prove to them that l am indeed speaking to God. I don't also want to know the vocabularies of the words that will come out of my lips until they...

Let Thy Will Be Done

"All things are working for my good." say it louder and with determination. Yeah because God is intentional . His Word says He knows the plans He has for all humanity. The plans are clearly stated; to prosper us !  Yet all I know is that everything belongs to God.  Listen,nothing belongs to the devil. If you ever heard such a sermon that the things on earth belong to the devil subtract that perception today.  This is a mind that is dragging you behind and draining your efforts to grow and develop. The devil only asks for permission to alterate or put a situation on the creation of God.  With terms and conditions  attached he receives the grand...but has no authority to destroy it as we can see from the story of Job.  Don't you believe me? I know at times sermons are really misleading and confusing too. Turn to Psalm chapter 24 verses 1 and 2 "The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein,for he has founded it upo...

He Who Has Your Final Say Holds Your Future.

God told Habakkuk, write this down on a tablet;  that though it might appear to tarry it shall not tarry, it shall come to accomplishment. Reading on...He says to Zechariah that though the hands of this beloved one reading this article have laid the foundation, his hands shall also accomplish it then we shall all testify that He's God. Ooooh my God, read more the word says He who began a good job in your life shall accomplish it and finally but not least, He says in His word, I will do abundantly more than this man/woman of faith(reading this article by 🌎Mr.V) shall request... Who are you to give up???  Don't you believe God?  Even if you don't believe He exists just believe because you were born and found people're no one to deviate from what you do have no knowledge on how it began and how it shall end.  Join the rally and lose nothing. Abraham started a journey without a destination in mind but he earned. Tell yourself this morning, If it is...

Five Tips To Keep You On The Move.

1.Eat Well This has nothing to do with eating too much or excess to fill your stomach; I just mean balance your diet. 2. Stay Active Do some sports, go to gym... Aerobics are good for your fitness. 3.Don't Stress Maintain a happy mood;smile, laugh,talk ,sing and dance if you can. 4.Have Fun Go outing,have a vacation, retreat. Visit a place of interest. Enjoy yourself and your time. "You're your own happiness" 5.Keep Faith & Hope Sound Read your Bible,Meditate, Pray ,Give thanks to God for these privileges you have had. No one else was able to be you but you alone. Winjila