Let Thy Will Be Done
"All things are working for my good." say it louder and with determination. Yeah because God is intentional . His Word says He knows the plans He has for all humanity. The plans are clearly stated; to prosper us ! Yet all I know is that everything belongs to God. Listen,nothing belongs to the devil. If you ever heard such a sermon that the things on earth belong to the devil subtract that perception today. This is a mind that is dragging you behind and draining your efforts to grow and develop. The devil only asks for permission to alterate or put a situation on the creation of God. With terms and conditions attached he receives the grand...but has no authority to destroy it as we can see from the story of Job. Don't you believe me? I know at times sermons are really misleading and confusing too. Turn to Psalm chapter 24 verses 1 and 2 "The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein,for he has founded it upo...