By Victor

Today I wish to talk about this  illness that has overtaken the lips and minds of many people.
We readily wait to talk evil about those that are moving ahead.
The term illuminati has become so easy to pronounce than 'God' which is only a 3-letter word.
I got no problem with that but my concern is that we talk out of justification; no prove. Why do we like judging in such a way that we haven't witnessed?
Why is it that we are making satan more stronger by glorifying him than God?
That whenever Victor buys a car 🚗 or Winjila builds a big home today we are ready to say, this is illuminati and not a miracle from God? Have we forgoten that it's satan who tested Job but he kept mentioning God in everything?
We need to change our mentality and start mentioning God more than Satan.
I personally believe you foolish verbal diarrhoeas,gossipers and rumour mongers will talk about me in few coming day. I'll not fear for my Bible says;
May he send help from heaven and deliver me from my enemies who hurl insults! (Selah) May God send his loyal love and faithfulness!
Ps 57:3
May my words and my thoughts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my sheltering rock and my redeemer.
Ps 19:14
The fear of Faith and trust in God,the fear of taking risks,the fear of commitment and dedication and the fear of thinking big and working harder is what is making us to readily wait to talk about others. I don't want to talk about others it's their turn to talk about me. I STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT GOD IS MIGHTIER.
Get Focused in Jesus' Name. AMEN


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