The Church Of Today

We worship preachers,if pastor so and so isn’t around I don’t feel like going to church today. I know it’s boring.
We attend the church for fun to take selfies and share them on WhatsApp and Facebook.
We only go to church to obtain favours  eg wedding committees, funeral fundraisers,miracles,etc. Preachers mobilize people for bigger gatherings in order to harvest bigger cash. The main agendas of the church among them discipleship and salvation no longer exist. You will see people leaving a kesha(night overs) claiming to be sleepy making everyone to understand they hardly slept last night,others will want everyone to understand they're weak as they hardly had a meal in the name of fasting. Keshas and fasting should be considered as sacrifice where you expect a revelation,a breakthrough or a situation you really feel like you need an opening from God. ONLY GOD SHOULD KNOW YOU WERE ENGAGING HIM THROUGH FASTING, PRAYING OR KESHA; stop struggling to appear in real photogenic photos and social medias so that the can know how committed or religious you are.

Reading from Esther 4:16-17 you will realise the agenda behind Esther's request that the Jews should fast was such a greater than the request itself. It had a strong foundation of faith behind it. Look at her point, "if I perish I perish." She knew that God would answer her prayer and the king would not see her visit as against the law as it was known to be. She knew that God wouldn’tlet her die and if that was the only way to secure the Jews then she was ready.

This is how serious attending a kesha or fasting should be. You should have a serious agenda spiritually and not physically or with men.
Stop showing signs of being weak to make men believe you fasted or went for a kesha last night. They got nothing big to offer. Mathew 6:16-18
In Daniel 10, he deprived himself sleep and food until he finally met God face to face. This should be also our aims when go to church. We should focus on our encounter with God and nothing more. The photographers and friends should not interrupt you during such times. Let things such as wedding committees , funeral support,etc come automatically not by familiarizing with everyone in church to obtain considerations from them Avoid blaming people and keeping grudges and hate against people for failing to attend your meetings or for failing to take heed of your calls of attention. Salvation matters are about personal decisions.
Stop being a church goer and be a saved Christian. Hmm as I always get what inspires you grasp it,what bothers you ignore it. Don't be offended by anything these are just my sentiments anyway.


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