Situation Changer

Ref. Ruth 1-4.
Ruth the Moabite woman introduced as a foreigner worked so hard in the barley field of Boaz that at last she became wife to Boaz,she bore a grand son giving Naomy a hope of descendants, she finally became the owner of land; the title deed was transferred to her name. From her lineages the Jesse, David,......the Messiah is born .
Your title will not remain the same. You will not remain to be what people have known you to be,your name shall change from that shameful title that people will use to introduce you. Personally,my grandma's death changed the verse for me,I was officially informed that am not countable among her descendants,I'm not worried to be a foreigner in Kenya or even the whole world,  for I know I can work hard like Ruth and at last my position will change and will be a story of another day. A new chapter is yet to be opened for me. Maybe the Messiah of Kenya will be from me or my lineage. I'm ME strong 💪,courageous and determined like no other. The book of Ruth MUST be fulfilled in me. I know I  will  receive a guardian like Naomy.
If you're making the same declaration continue trusting in God. Continue operating in faith. Continue serving and positioning yourself for a blessing like Ruth. God is faithful and His grace is sufficient, He will surely change your situation from nothing to something. .



🙏🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏 🙏


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