Sin Is Sin; Abortion Is A Sin Too.

An Abortion does not make you a girl. It makes you a mother to the Late.
(Mama Marehemu) 😎

An Abortion doesn't make you pure. It leaves behind a mal-woman.
>A woman to be judged against fornication & murder. Yes, that's the bitter truth! You will be judged for having sex before marriage and killing a living unborn human.
>A woman minus an ovum ; a woman minus virginity. Yes, God created us in His own image, He sanctified our bodies and made them His temples. He made each and every part of our bodies for a purpose that is good and we're to account for that.
>To some extent a woman with guilt and stress or even a dying woman.
Yes, my dear friend it is true that no one can lie to oneself and God. Whoever committeth sin is ate by guilt;it is tough to forget what you did and that never gives gives you peace however you might pretend to be happy. Stress kills!

Be yourself! Do what is right. Think before you act. Picture the outcome of every step you make. If you sinned acknowledge and admit your evil and repent,,,repent my dear friend that's the only and one way. If you're still a virgin or clean maintain it because you have this information. It will be intentional if you dare sin and that's unforgivable.


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