How can I be happy alone? A simple way to answer this till end your summary of the script will be your correct answer to above quiz.
This is a picture of a boy from a village in Ukraine who killed his 3 years old brother and ate him due to prolonged starvation. His name was Ilarion Nyshchenko. This was an event from Russian famine of 1921-1922.

The image below is of a starving family during Madras famine of 1876.
Now imagine if you were born in such places during this era and was one of those unfortunates. We are born in the most developed era in human history. We have the amount of comfort and convenience which most of the past generations in the history of mankind ever experienced. We sometimes through greed and desire to have more forget to be thankful for the things and privilege we have in our life. We have food on our plates, a piece of clothes to cover our nakedness, a roof over us and even a place to lay our heads. Hardly do we ever remember all that there's someone somewhere who only hears of all these like a myth. Instead of feeling blessed for what we have, we keep complaining for not having much in our lives. Someone somewhere longs to be you or in your capacity. So my friend instead of feeling bad about being lonely feel grateful for what you have and try to help as many people as you can in whichever way possible you can manage to extend a hand. Helping others will give you an inner happiness and a bliss which no relationship can offer.



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