Good morning pal....

It's a Throwback Thursday.... Now do your checking.
Review your life 3 years ago. Are you the same,is your life the same? Can you identify any change? You must be better if I bet it right. 
Now ask yourself how many have fought you? How many have talked evil against you? How many have unjustly judged your steps,actions and efforts?

Should I encourage you now?

No one including me will ever congratulate you in any step you take for your life. We always have the weakness of judging others thinking we are perfect.

Start meditating on this👇
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. (Deut 31:6)

Yes. You got it right. That's what Vickie thought should tell you this morning.
```Wax your ears, shut your lips unto them. Open your eyes unto opportunities,seek God's guidance and trust Him.... Keep moving. It's done!!!```
Blessed be it you

                                                                                                                🛐Bro Vickie


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