As my spiritual authority was talking to me today about delay something came to my mind .He did not know it but he was confirming something in my mind .
Since yesterday my mind was on Jonah and I kept comparing myself to Jonah and how he tried to avoid his assignment because he was too scared it might not turn out as expected.

I remembered my pastor saying that God Can Save Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime But He Chooses Who To Use At a Time.

I was just thinking how many times have I run from my ministry because I was too scared . How many times have I told God I don't want to do it n I don't trust you enough you might let me down.
How many times have I told God that He should just take someone else.

Where am I getting at with this?
So many things don't turn out how we want them to. We pray and try but its not His will for us yet we usually want our way too much that we don't see that what He is doing in our lives is greater that what we can see with our physical eyes.
Sometimes He keeps quiet so we can meditate on Him. So we can remember that we need Him. The word says there is no where we can hide from Him.
Jonah tried but God was there and in the three days he was in the belly of the fish he remembered God and the assignment that was entitled to him.
As we keep reading ahead we see that God gave him another chance to carry out this duty. He is a God who hears when we become repentant. God already knew what would happen.
He knew that Nineveh needed to repent so as not to face destruction but they needed to hear the message of their doom first so that they would wake up to the reality of what awaited them if they did not repent.
There are so many angles to this story because at first it's about being sensitive to our mission and purpose.
There are things we pass through in life; storms,challenges and at times responsibilities. Not for us but for those around us.
You might be in a job you are complaining about but maybe you are not there for you.
You have been placed there for a purpose of helping someone else.
 Well as we keep going challenge comes up.
We see Jonah has been given a second chance by God yet when  God forgives Nineveh he gets so angry at God that he wishes to die.

  • How many times has God forgiven you?
  • Why do you refuse to extend the same mercy to those around you?

Jonah was So angry. He forgot too soon what God had done for him.
He would have died in the sea but he didn't by grace.(Jonah 4)
He would have been digested by the whale but he wasn't yet he still got angry when God saved a Nation.
I always tell you.
There is a particular grace set and residing in every nation. It is only sin that blocks from experiencing it;but until we confess and repent that is when we realize it.
God had to cause an event to happen in His life which I will let you read about in his life to wake him up on why He chose to save a nation after they repented.
Now I have spent the whole of my past life being bitter over my oppressors.
Sometimes things people do to you drive you crazy but there is peace in letting go.
My spiritual Father is a man I appreciate greatly because he never fails to say the truth as it is no matter how much it hurts.
Today tell someone the truth.
Evangelise to the society telling them the truth no matter how it hurts and when people repent and humble themselves before God be happy and rejoice that God touched them the same way he touched you.
Be blessed.
Sorry for the length of this message but I needed to get it across..

           🔘Bro Vickie


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